Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata
Linz, Peter
Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata - 6 - New Delhi Jones and Bartlett India Pvt. Ltd. 2017 - 449
An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, Sixth Edition provides an accessible, student-friendly presentation of all material essential to an introductory Theory of Computation course. Written to address the fundamentals of formal languages, automata, and computability, the text is designed to familiarize students with the foundations and principles of computer science and to strengthen the students' ability to carry out formal and rigorous Mathematical arguments. The author, Peter Linz, continues to offer a straightforward, uncomplicated treatment of formal languages and automata and avoids excessive mathematical detail allowing students. to focus on and understand the key underlying principles.
New & Key Features of the Sixth Edition:
• An accessible approach allows students to clearly understand key
content while retaining the appropriate mathematical notations
and theorems required for the course
• New Chapter Synopses, found at the beginning of each chapter,
recap important concepts found in the text
• Every major idea is preceded by a motivating example, drawn
from applications, that introduces the concept and illustrates its
• New Exercises added throughout are more closely tied to
examples in the text
. An enhanced Instructor's Manual includes more detailed solutions
to all problems found in the text
Formal Languages
Machine Theory
005.131 LIN
Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata - 6 - New Delhi Jones and Bartlett India Pvt. Ltd. 2017 - 449
An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, Sixth Edition provides an accessible, student-friendly presentation of all material essential to an introductory Theory of Computation course. Written to address the fundamentals of formal languages, automata, and computability, the text is designed to familiarize students with the foundations and principles of computer science and to strengthen the students' ability to carry out formal and rigorous Mathematical arguments. The author, Peter Linz, continues to offer a straightforward, uncomplicated treatment of formal languages and automata and avoids excessive mathematical detail allowing students. to focus on and understand the key underlying principles.
New & Key Features of the Sixth Edition:
• An accessible approach allows students to clearly understand key
content while retaining the appropriate mathematical notations
and theorems required for the course
• New Chapter Synopses, found at the beginning of each chapter,
recap important concepts found in the text
• Every major idea is preceded by a motivating example, drawn
from applications, that introduces the concept and illustrates its
• New Exercises added throughout are more closely tied to
examples in the text
. An enhanced Instructor's Manual includes more detailed solutions
to all problems found in the text
Formal Languages
Machine Theory
005.131 LIN