Software Testing

Singh, Yogesh

Software Testing - Delhi Cambridge University Press 2012 - 626

Software testing is conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of a product under testing. The book, which is a result of the two decades of teaching experience of the author, aims to present testing concepts and methods that can be used in practice. The text will help readers to learn how to find faults in software before it is made available to users. A judicious mix of software testing concepts, solved problems and real-life case studies makes the book ideal for a basic course in software testing. The book will be a useful resource for senior undergraduate/graduate students of engineering, academics, software practitioners and researchers.Presents object-oriented testing which includes path testing, state-based testing and class testingExplains issues, challenges and difficulties of testing web applicationsEmphasizes testing web applications and automated test data generation techniquesContains numerous solved problems, examples and about 200 practice exercises, as well as including over 200 multiple-choice questions with answers in each chapterTable of Contents1. Introduction2. Functional testing3. Essentials of graph theory4. Structural testing5. Software verification6. Creating test cases from requirements and use cases7. Selection, minimization and prioritization of test cases for regression testing8. Software testing activities9. Object oriented testing10. Metrics and models in software testing11. Testing web applications12. Automated test data generationReferencesAppendix I. SRS of university registration systemAppendix II. Test cases from use casesAppendix III. Validity checksAnswers to multiple choice questions.


Computer software--Testing

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