Rao, K Chandrasekhara
Topology - New Delhi Narosa Book Distributors 2009 - 350
"Topology presents the basic principles, techniques and theorems covering Kuratowski closure operator, separation axioms, connectedness, compactness, paracompactness, homotopy, metrizability and bitopological spaces. The important results such as the Tychonoff theorem, the Teitze extension theorem, the Urysohn metrization theorem, the Stone theorem are formulated and proved."--Jacket
Algebraic topology
Mathematical analysis
Topological spaces
514 RAO
Topology - New Delhi Narosa Book Distributors 2009 - 350
"Topology presents the basic principles, techniques and theorems covering Kuratowski closure operator, separation axioms, connectedness, compactness, paracompactness, homotopy, metrizability and bitopological spaces. The important results such as the Tychonoff theorem, the Teitze extension theorem, the Urysohn metrization theorem, the Stone theorem are formulated and proved."--Jacket
Algebraic topology
Mathematical analysis
Topological spaces
514 RAO