Actor Prepares
Stanislavaki, Constantin
Actor Prepares - London Bloomsbury Academic 2022 - 270
First published in 1936, this volume is brimming with inspiring methods for anyone interested in the craft of acting. In the book, Stanislavski teaches the fundamentals of his ‘system’ of learning to act, detailing the essentials of training, preparation and technique, and providing readers with the building blocks of great character acting. The narrative format in which it is written allows for classic techniques to be bought into practice today.
Method acting
792.028 STA
Actor Prepares - London Bloomsbury Academic 2022 - 270
First published in 1936, this volume is brimming with inspiring methods for anyone interested in the craft of acting. In the book, Stanislavski teaches the fundamentals of his ‘system’ of learning to act, detailing the essentials of training, preparation and technique, and providing readers with the building blocks of great character acting. The narrative format in which it is written allows for classic techniques to be bought into practice today.
Method acting
792.028 STA