Indian Fashion Designs

Prakash, K

Indian Fashion Designs - Mumbai English Edition Publishers & Distributors (India) 2004 - 136

In this book, the author draws inspiration from nature, culture, heritageand architecture. His creativity can be found in fashion garments, paintings,artefacts, window displays, interiors and of course design books. Here, youwould find fashion and embroidery designs, both classical and contemporary. Notso long ago, the word 'fashionable' was unsavoury among the large majority ofIndians. With the looming ahead of the 21st century, this perception has turnedaround and India's preoccupation with fashion and style today is fetching overRs. 3,000 crore worth of business to this country fabrics, prints and styles aredeveloped for every taste. Every new material, natural such a cotton, wool orleather and man made such a polyester or rayon are used in a vast spectrum ofcolours and designs to satisfy the 21st century's unquenchable thirst forinstant glamour. This book makes for interesting viewing, if not reading. Butfor students and followers of fashion, it is a good buy.


Costume Design
Fashion Designing
Arts and Design

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