Beginners' Guide to Journalism & Mass Communication

Roy, Baruṇa

Beginners' Guide to Journalism & Mass Communication - New Delhi V & S Publishers 2013 - 216

Most books on journalism today are either too complex to comprehend or too superficial. Barun Roy has really done a remarkably good job to fill a long-felt vacuum. This guide introduces basic tools of the applied journalism in simple language. It provides step-by-step instructions to develop skills in the field. Any person interested in journalism, mass communication and in public relations will find this book very interesting, informative and useful. It could even motivate you to contribute articles and features to newspapers and magazines as a freelance writer. Some salient features of the book: *What is journalism? *News Gathering. *News Lead. *Putting the Story together. *Writing in Newspaper Style. *Colourful News Feature. *Headline Story. *Journalism as a Career


Mass media

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