Gulliver's Travels

Swift, Jonathan

Gulliver's Travels - New Delhi Fingerprint Classics 2022 - 312

Shipwrecked on his first voyage, he wakes up in Lilliput-a kingdomof tiny people who are one-twelfth the height of human beings Blown off course by the gales on his second, he is sold to the queenby a giant farmer in Brobdingnag Attacked by pirates on his third, marooned near a desolate island, hediscovers Laputa-the flying island with educated but impracticalpeople And as a captain of a merchantman on his fourth voyage, abandonedon a landing boat by his crew, he meets Houyhnhnms-a race oftalking horses who are the rulers, and Yahoos-the deformedcreatures who are human beings in their base form.Meet Lemuel Gulliver, as he describes his adventurous voyagesacross the islands he lands upon.A universally-read satirical fantasy, Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travelscontinues to remain a classic of English literature even more thantwo and a half centuries after it was first published.


Gulliver, Lemuel (Fictitious character)

Voyages, Imaginary
Lilliput (Imaginary place)
Brobdingnag (Imaginary place)

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