Applied Thermodynamics

Singh, Onkar

Applied Thermodynamics - New Delhi New Age International (P) Limited Publishers 2015 - 958

This book presents a systematic account of the concepts and principles of engineering thermodynamics and the concepts and practices of thermal engineering. The book covers basic course of engineering thermodynamics and also deals with the advanced course of thermal engineering. This book will meet the requirements of the undergraduate students of engineering and technology undertaking the compulsory course of engineering thermodynamics. The subject matter is sufficient for the students of Mechanical Engineering/Industrial-Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, undertaking advanced courses in the name of thermal engineering/heat engineering/applied thermodynamics etc. Presentation of the subject matter has been made in very simple and understandable language. The book is written in SI system of units and each chapter has been provided with sufficient number of typical numerical problems of solved and unsolved questions with answers.




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