Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering
Rajadurai, Selwin. J
Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering - New Delhi New Age International (P) Limited, Publisher 2003 - 1060
This book provides a clear and detailed exposition of basic principles of thermodynamics. Concepts like enthalpy, entropy, reversibility, availability are presented in depth and in a simple manner. Important applications of thermodynamics like various engineering cycles and processes are explained in detail. Introduction to latest topics are enclosed at the end. Each topic is further supplemented with solved problems including problems from GATE, IES exams, objective questions along with answers, review questions and exercise problems alongwith answers for an indepth understanding of the subject.
Thermal Engineering
621.4 RAJ
Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering - New Delhi New Age International (P) Limited, Publisher 2003 - 1060
This book provides a clear and detailed exposition of basic principles of thermodynamics. Concepts like enthalpy, entropy, reversibility, availability are presented in depth and in a simple manner. Important applications of thermodynamics like various engineering cycles and processes are explained in detail. Introduction to latest topics are enclosed at the end. Each topic is further supplemented with solved problems including problems from GATE, IES exams, objective questions along with answers, review questions and exercise problems alongwith answers for an indepth understanding of the subject.
Thermal Engineering
621.4 RAJ