VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems with Microsoft® Office Excel

Albright, S. Christian

VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems with Microsoft® Office Excel - 5 - Delhi Cengage Learning India Private Limited 2016 - 710

'This textbook is intended for a one-semester introductory course in computer science. It presents a broad-based overview of the discipline that assumes no prior background in computer science, programming, or mathematics. It would be appropriate for a college or university course for students not majoring in computer science as well as for first course for majors using a breadth-first approach that surveys the fundamental aspects of computer science. It would be highly suitable for a computer science course, especially the computer sci­ence basics course in colleges and universities. This eighth edition of Invitation to Computer Science addresses a number of emerging issues in computer science. New material is added on ransomware, code repositories, new program­ming languages, data science, artificial intelligence, and drones. New and updated Special Interest Boxes highlight interesting historical vignettes, new developments in computing, biographies of important people in the field, and news items showing how computing affects our everyday lives. Computer science is a young and exciting discipline, and we hope that this material, along with the laboratory projects and online modules, will convey the feeling of excitement to students


Microsoft Visual Basic for applications.
Microsoft Excel (Computer file)
Decision support systems.

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