Passage to Infinity Medieval Indian Mathematics from Kerala and Its Impact

Joseph, George Gheverghese

Passage to Infinity Medieval Indian Mathematics from Kerala and Its Impact - New Delhi SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd. 2009 - 219

The boot tuces the histering steps taken in the mathematical theorisation of Inity with marks the emergence of modem. chemics, analyses the part played by Indian mathematicians though the Kerala conduit, which is an important but neglected part of the hatory of mathematics A Passage to Infinity: Medieval Indian Mathematics from Kerala and its Impact begins with an examination of the social origins of the Kerala Scool and proceeds to discuss its mathematical genesis as well as its achievements. It presents the techniques employed by the School to derive the series expansions for sine, cosine, arctan, and so on. By using modem notation but This book traces the first faltering steps taken in the mathematical theorization of infinity which marks the emergence of modern mathematics. It analyzes the part played by Indian mathematics through the Kerala conduit, which is an important but neglected part of the history of mathematics.



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