What is this thing called Philosophy of Language?

Kemp, Gary

What is this thing called Philosophy of Language? - 3 - Abingdon, Oxon Routledge 2017 - 315

Philosophy of language explores some of the most abstract yet most fundamental questions in philosophy. The ideas of some of the subject's great founding figures, such as Gottlob Frege, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell, as well as of more recent figures such as Saul Kripke and Hilary Putnam, are central to a great many philosophical debates to this day and are widely studied. In this clear and carefully structured introduction to the subject Gary Kemp explains the following key topics:

the basic nature of philosophy of language, its concepts and its historical development
Frege's theory of sense and reference; Russell's theory of definite descriptions
Wittgenstein's Tractatus, Ayer, and the Logical Positivists
recent perspectives including Kripke, Kaplan, Putnam, Chomsky, Quine and Davidson; arguments concerning translation, necessity, indexicals, rigid designation and natural kinds
the pragmatics of language, including speech-acts, presupposition and conversational implicature
puzzles surrounding the propositional attitudes (sentences which ascribe beliefs to people)
the challenges presented by the later Wittgenstein
contemporary directions, including contextualism, fictional objects and the phenomenon of slurs
The third edition has been thoroughly revised throughout and includes a new chapter on Noam Chomsky's theory of Universal Grammar. In addition, the concluding chapter on modern directions in philosophy of language has been expanded to two chapters, and which now cover crucial emergent areas of study such as slurs, conceptual engineering and experimental philosophy.


Language and languages-Philosophy

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