WikiLeaks and the Age of Transparency

Sifry, Micah L

WikiLeaks and the Age of Transparency - Berkeley Counterpoint Press 20112011 - 213

The United States government is diligent some might say to the point of obsession in defending its borders against invaders. Now we are told a small, international band of renegades armed with nothing more than laptops presents the greatest threat to the U.S. regime since the close of the Cold War. WikiLeaks’ release of a massive trove of secret official documents has riled politicians from across the spectrum. Even noted free-speech advocate Floyd Abrams blames WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for the certain defeat of federal shield-law legislation protecting journalists. Hyperbole, hysteria? Certainly. Welcome to the Age of Transparency.


Wikis (Computer science)
Political aspects
Transparency (Ethics) in Government.

352.38 SIF