Unicorn Quest: India Learns to Start Up

Rai, Archana

Unicorn Quest: India Learns to Start Up - New Delhi Bloomsbury India 2023 - 260

To start up is to begin one of life's great adventures, begins this fast-paced account of one of India's great success stories. India was home to more than 90,000 startups by mid-2023, making it the world's third ranking country in this sphere. It is a segment that has delivered over a hundred companies valued at more than a billion dollars, and created hundreds of thousands of jobs.

How did this phenomenon come about, what triggered this explosion of energy, who are the people-some who risked all they had on their ventures- who propelled India on to the global stage?

Archana Rai, a journalist who has covered the startup world in depth, brings it all together in this exciting story, The Unicorn Quest: India Learns to Start Up . It is not a story without its ups and downs but one whose success is integral to India's own ambitions to be a front-ranking economic power. Here are some pathbreakers and their companies whose contribution goes beyond the numbers to be a major factor in the world's newfound respect for India.


Start Up
Small Business

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