Full subscription history for Patents and Trade Marks Cases
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
20/10/2024 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | Vol 97, Issue 11 | Expected | 864 | ||
Sept 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | With Index | 06/11/2024 | Vol 99, Issue 9 | Arrived | 864 |
Sept 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 06/11/2024 | Vol 100, Issue 10 | Arrived | 864 | |
Aug 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 20/09/2024 | Vol 99, Issue 8 | Arrived | 864 | |
July 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 20/09/2024 | Vol 99, Issue 7 | Arrived | 864 | |
June 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 02/07/2024 | Vol 98, Issue 6 | Arrived | 864 | |
May 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 02/07/2024 | Vol 98, Issue 5 | Arrived | 864 | |
Apr 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 03/05/2024 | Vol 98, Issue 4 | Arrived | 864 | |
Mar 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 02/04/2024 | Vol 97, Issue 3 | Arrived | 864 | |
Feb 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 20/02/2024 | Vol 97, Issue 2 | Arrived | 864 | |
Jan 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 20/02/2024 | Vol 97, Issue 1 | Arrived | 864 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
Nov | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 06/12/2023 | Vol 96, Issue 11 | Arrived | 864 | |
Oct | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 06/12/2023 | Vol 96, Issue 10 | Arrived | 864 | |
Sep | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 04/10/2023 | Vol 95, Issue 9 | Arrived | 864 | |
Aug | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 07/09/2023 | Vol 95, Issue 8 | Arrived | 864 | |
July | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 04/08/2023 | Vol 95, Issue 7 | Arrived | 864 | |
June | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 04/08/2023 | Vol 95, Issue 6 | Arrived | 864 | |
May 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 19/05/2023 | Vol 94, Issue 5 | Arrived | 864 | |
Apr 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 19/05/2023 | Vol 94, Issue 4 | Arrived | 864 | |
Mar 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 04/04/2023 | Vol 94, Issue 3 | Arrived | 864 | |
Feb 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 09/03/2023 | Vol 93, Issue 2 | Arrived | 864 | |
Jan 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 17/02/2023 | Vol 93, Issue 1 | Arrived | 864 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
Dec 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 21/12/2022 | Vol 92, Issue 12 | Arrived | 864 | |
Nov 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 01/12/2022 | Vol 92, Issue 11 | Arrived | 864 | |
Oct 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 02/11/2022 | Vol 92, Issue 10 | Arrived | 864 | |
01/09/2022 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | Amount Paid, Vide Credit Note No:3391, Dt:14.09.2023 | Vol 89, Issue 9 | Missing | 864 | |
Aug 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 08/09/2022 | Vol 91, Issue 8 | Arrived | 864 | |
July | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 03/08/2022 | Vol 91, Issue 7 | Arrived | 864 | |
June | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 22/06/2022 | Vol 90, Issue 6 | Arrived | 864 | |
May | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 08/06/2022 | Vol 90, Issue 5 | Arrived | 864 | |
Apr | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 28/04/2022 | Vol 90, Issue 4 | Arrived | 864 | |
Mar | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 28/03/2022 | Vol 89, Issue 3 | Arrived | 864 | |
Feb | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 04/03/2022 | Vol 89, Issue 2 | Arrived | 864 | |
Jan | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 04/03/2022 | Vol 89, Issue 1 | Arrived | 864 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
20/12/2020 | Alliance School of Law | REF | Vol 84, Issue 12 | Claimed | 736 | ||
20/11/2020 | Alliance School of Law | REF | Vol 84, Issue 11 | Claimed | 736 | ||
20/10/2020 | Alliance School of Law | REF | Vol 84, Issue 10 | Claimed | 736 | ||
Jul-Sep | Alliance School of Law | REF | 05/01/2021 | Vol 83, Issue 7-9 | Arrived | 736 | |
Apr-Jun | Alliance School of Law | REF | 05/01/2021 | Vol 82, Issue 4-6 | Arrived | 736 | |
20/03/2020 | Alliance School of Law | REF | Vol 81, Issue 3 | Claimed | 736 | ||
Feb 20 | Alliance School of Law | REF | 02/03/2020 | Vol 81, Issue 2 | Arrived | 736 | |
29/01/2020 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | Vol 81, Issue 1 | Stopped | 673 | ||
Jan 20 | Alliance School of Law | REF | 18/02/2020 | Vol 81, Issue 1 | Arrived | 736 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
Dec 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 29/12/2019 | Vol 80, Issue 12 | Arrived | 673 | |
Nov 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 24/12/2019 | Vol 80, Issue 11 | Arrived | 673 | |
Oct 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 24/12/2019 | Vol 80, Issue 10 | Arrived | 673 | |
Sep 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 18/10/2019 | Vol 79, Issue 9 | Arrived | 673 | |
Aug 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 16/09/2019 | Vol 79, Issue 8 | Arrived | 673 | |
Jul 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 16/08/2019 | Vol 79, Issue 7 | Arrived | 673 | |
Jun 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 31/07/2019 | Vol 78, Issue 6 | Arrived | 673 | |
May 20 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 11/06/2019 | Vol 78, Issue 5 | Arrived | 673 | |
20/04/2019 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 21/05/2019 | Vol 78, Issue 4 | Arrived | 673 | |
20/03/2019 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 20/03/2019 | Vol 77, Issue 3 | Arrived | 673 | |
20/02/2019 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 20/02/2019 | Vol 77, Issue 2 | Arrived | 673 | |
20/01/2019 | Alliance School of Law | On Display | 20/01/2019 | Vol 77, Issue 1 | Arrived | 673 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
20/01/2018 | Alliance School of Law | Vol 6, Part 11 | Stopped | 100 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
20/12/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 11/01/2018 | Vol 72, Issue 12 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/11/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 07/12/2017 | Vol 72, Part. 11 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/10/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 04/11/2017 | Vol 72, Part 10 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/09/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 08/10/2017 | Vol 71, Part 9 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/08/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 12/09/2017 | Vol 71, Part 8 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/07/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 10/08/2017 | Vol 71, Part 7 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/06/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 17/07/2017 | Vol 70, Part 6 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/03/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 25/05/2017 | Vol 69, Part 3 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/02/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 15/03/2017 | Vol 69, Part 2 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/01/2017 | Alliance School of Law | 10/02/2017 | Vol 69, Part 1 | Arrived | 100 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
20/12/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 18/01/2017 | Vol 68, Part 12 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/11/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 07/12/2016 | Vol 68, Part 11 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/10/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 18/01/2017 | Vol 68, Part 10 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/09/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 14/11/2016 | Vol 67, Part 9 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/08/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 23/09/2016 | Vol 67, Part 8 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/07/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 06/09/2016 | Vol 67, Part 7 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/06/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 06/09/2016 | Vol 66, Part 6 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/05/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 06/09/2016 | Vol 66, Part 5 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/04/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 06/09/2016 | Vol 66, Part 4 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/03/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 06/09/2016 | Vol 65, Part 3 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/02/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 06/09/2016 | Vol 65, Part 2 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/01/2016 | Alliance School of Law | 06/09/2016 | Vol 65, Part 1 | Arrived | 100 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
20/12/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 11/01/2016 | Vol 64, Part 12 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/11/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 17/12/2015 | Vol 64, Part 11 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/10/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 02/12/2015 | Vol 64, Part 10 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/09/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 01/10/2015 | Vol 63, Part 9 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/08/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 24/09/2015 | Vol 63, Part 8 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/07/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 05/08/2015 | Vol 63, Part 7 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/06/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 08/07/2015 | Vol 62, Part 6 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/05/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 12/06/2015 | Vol 62, Part 5 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/04/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 13/05/2015 | Vol 62, Part 4 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/03/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 15/04/2015 | Vol 61, Part 3 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/02/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 11/03/2015 | Vol 61, Part 2 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/01/2015 | Alliance School of Law | 11/02/2015 | Vol 61, Part 1 | Arrived | 100 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
20/12/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 31/12/2014 | Vol 60, Part 12 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/11/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 10/12/2014 | Vol 60, Part 11 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/10/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 22/11/2014 | Vol 60, Part 10 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/09/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 28/10/2014 | Vol 59, Issue 9 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/08/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 30/09/2014 | Vol 59, Issue 8 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/07/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 01/09/2014 | Vol 59, Issue 7 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/06/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 18/07/2014 | Vol 58, Issue 6 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/05/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 07/06/2014 | Vol 58, Issue 5 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/04/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 12/05/2014 | Vol 58, Issue 4 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/03/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 25/04/2014 | Vol 57, Issue 3 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/02/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 15/03/2014 | Vol 57, Issue 2 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/01/2014 | Alliance School of Law | 12/02/2014 | Vol 57 Issue 1 | Arrived | 100 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
20/12/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 16/01/2014 | Vol 56, Issue 12 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/11/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 11/12/2013 | Vol 56, Issue 11 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/10/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 21/11/2013 | Vol 56, Issue 10 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/09/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 21/10/2013 | Vol 55, Issue 9 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/08/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 20/09/2013 | Vol 55, Issue 8 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/07/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 08/08/2013 | Vol 55, Issue 7 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/06/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 17/07/2013 | Vol 54, Issue 6 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/05/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 11/06/2013 | Vol 54, Issue 5 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/04/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 14/05/2013 | Vol 54, Issue 4 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/03/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 12/04/2013 | Vol 53, Issue 3 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/02/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 14/03/2013 | Vol 53, Issue 2 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/01/2013 | Alliance School of Law | 05/03/2013 | Vol 53, Issue 1 | Arrived | 100 |
Date | Library | Location | Notes | Date received | Number | Status | Subscription |
20/12/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 31/12/2012 | Vol 52, Issue 12 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/11/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 28/11/2012 | Vol 52, Issue 11 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/10/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 07/11/2012 | Vol 52, Issue 10 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/09/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 12/10/2012 | Vol 51, Issue 9 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/08/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 14/09/2012 | Vol 51, Issue 8, Aug 2012 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/07/2012 | Alliance School of Law | recd on 17/08/2012 | 17/08/2012 | Vol 51, Issue 7, July 2012 | Arrived | 100 | |
20/06/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 13/08/2012 | Vol.50, Iss.6, Jun.20, 2012 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/05/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 12/06/2012 | Vol.50, Iss.5, May.20, 2012 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/04/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 18/05/2012 | Vol.49, Iss.4, Apr. 20, 2012 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/03/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 25/04/2012 | Vol.49, Iss.3, Mar. 20, 2012 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/02/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 25/04/2012 | Vol.49, Iss.2, Feb. 20, 2012 | Arrived | 100 | ||
20/01/2012 | Alliance School of Law | 25/04/2012 | Vol.49, Iss.1, Jan. 20, 2012 | Arrived | 100 |