Issues for a subscription
Subscription information for Journal of Financial Management and Analysis
The current subscription began on 2013-01-01 and is issued twice per year for 2 issues
The first subscription was started on
Alliance School of Business
Location: On Display
Available issues
Vol 26, Issue 1 Jan-June 2013; Vol 26, Issue 2 July-Dec 2013; Vol 26, Issue 02 Jul-Dec 2013; Vol 26, Issue 01 Jan-Jun 2013
Subscription information for Journal of Financial Management and Analysis
The current subscription began on 2015-01-01 and is issued twice per year for 2 issues
The first subscription was started on 2014-01-01
The subscription expired on 2016-01-01
Department of Commerce Library
Available issues
Vol 27, Issue 01, Jan-Jun, 2014; Vol 27, Issue 02 Jul-Dec 2014; Vol 27, Issue 02, Jul-Dec 2014; Vol 27, Issue 01, Jan-Jun 2014; Vol 28, Issue 01, Jan-Jun 2015; Vol 28, Issue 02, Jul-Dec 2015; Vol 29, Issue 02, Jul-Dec 2016